
Create your own Worm Bin


Pick one of 4 ways:


- Purchase a Worm Hotel on line, it is a layered system that is ideal for home use

- Line a cardboard box with heavy plastic, ducktape to hold plastic in place

- Build a box; 4 x 8 see our build page for instructions

- Use a 'Black Dome' type composter, needs to be a few inches off the ground like on a pallet


Worm Bedding: Use shredded paper or shed newspaper, moisten in warm water, squeeze out.

Sprinkle with dirt and mix bedding again. Spread bedding into container of choice (above) gingerly,

about 4 to 6 inches deep.


Keep the worm bin where it will be around 75 degrees or hotter. If worm bin is outside in winter

or in a cold garage, keep the worms warm with a heat cable. They can be ordered through Wrap-

on Company 800-305-4393 item #51006 for 6', #51012 for 12', #52020 for 20'. Place the

heat coil in the bedding and cover it gently with bedding or see how to attach it below the bin at at

WormOn.net Build a 4 x 8 worm bin.


Get your red wigglers from Whitehead Landscaping, on line, or from a friend who is Vermicomposting.


Happy worms double their population every 2 - 3 months. After awhile it is healthy to help others

get started on Vermicomposting and thin out some of your worms.


The bin should have the smell of rich earth. It should not smell bad. If it does:

- It might be too wet. Drain it or add dry bedding

- Reduce the weekly amount of food scraps

- It might not have enough air. Stir contents around carefully a bit


Collecting Castings

- The idea is to leave the worms but harvest the castings. When the bedding is all brown it is time

to harvest. Make fresh bedding and add food on one side of the bin or on another layer if you

have a stacking bin, to attract the worms away from the castings area. As the worms don't like

the light, lift the lid and harvest and inch of castings at a time as the worms dive to darkness.


- No pods left behind: Worms lay pods, little opalescent pods hatch 4 to 21 worms in about 28

days. I leave the castings alone after enticing the worms with fresh beds and food for 30 days

or more. My hope is that the babies will hatch and move to fresh beds.


Worms On: I believe when worms get cold they huddle together to stay alive and their eating

slows way down. About the only way to kill the worms is to drown them by not draining moisture or

dehydrate them by not keeping their bedding moist. When you feed them, check them. Going away?

It is best to have someone drain your hotel or bin. Ants can infest your worm bin, watch for them.

If you see any my advice is to move the bin or bate and kill the ants.



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